• Welcome to Cultivaid
    Fundraising specific CRM that helps you maximize the number of dollars that you raise
    by helping you better manage your donor relationships.
  • Let our algorithms handle the
    strategy so you can focus on
    being a front-line fundraiser.
  • 100% Responsive
    Valuable Analytics
    Academic Research Based
    Guaranteed Results

What You Can Do With Cultivaid

Prioritize Interactions

A proprietary algorithm will rank prospects and suggest high probability donors based on profile and recent activity.

Manage More Prospects

Cultivaid reduces the manual effort involved with managing prospects by suggesting activities and content based on donor interests and your personal fundraising style.

Gift Box
Increase Gifts

Cultivaid will increase both the quantity of and the size of gifts you receive

Track Activities

Easily track all communications with prospects using quick actions and streamline e-mails with pre-defined message templates.

Bar Graph
Personalize Reports

Provides institution-specific analytics to help analyze donor trends in any unique environment.

Computer Analysis
Analyze Cycle Activity

Easily review prospect activity as well as movements within the fundraising life cycle.